Wednesday 29 June 2016


I think everyone goes through stages in their life when they kind of lose who they are, I know I definitely have and it makes me feel indecisive and lacking any sort of confidence.

I remember going through it in those awkward teenage years when I wanted to be in the group which meant bending my personality and taste to reflect my peer group; then there was when I was in a long term relationship and almost my husband  and I became one in terms of identity; and most recently my individual identity has become dominated by the job of being a mother and the two little girls I adore.

I think it is totally natural that this happens : it is what being human is all about, wanting to be liked and loving someone so completely.  However it is only recently that I have realised I need to have my own identity too and not just be the badges of mother or whatever I wear.  I can be me and have a little bit of separateness without it having to be at the expense of anything.

So that is what I am trying to do: trying to find the essence of me and what I like without practicalities and realities getting in the way.  And of course the natural way I kind of start this journey is through my clothes and my style because if I look good I feel good.  What did I like to wear before the girls, before I felt that I had to wear what a "mother" had to wear .

It is so refreshing to focus on me for a while and to work towards becoming more centred and confident.  I know I am not the only one probably feeling like this, if you are too just know you are not alone and feel free to share your story with me.  

I have come to realise that is so important to work on myself and it is not selfish or something I have to apologise for or put  behind the needs of other.  Lets see where this journey  takes me.  

Top :: H&M (similar) // Trousers :: Light Before Dark (similar) // Shoes :: Salvatore Ferragamo (similar) // Sunglasses  :: Prada (similar)

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